Santa’s girls

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Merry Christmas!!!!

Today Santa will visit us!! And because of that I wanted to do a compilation of the best Santa’s girls, our favourite ladies in red dresses.

I wish you all  have a lovely time.

Were you good this year? 😉

Weekend looks by Dr Zoe Hart

Hello and nice weekend to everyone. What are your plans? Are you doing something special? Do not worry if you are still deciding what to wear tonight or tomorrow night… Our dear Dr Zoe Hart is here helping on outfit diagnosis in any event we have this weekend!

Here starts…. Zoe Hart Fashion Solutions!! 

Zoe Hart fashion solutions

1. If you have ahead a sporty weekend, but you still want to look kind of sexy, these are a very comfy and good options for it:

Zoe Hart sport look

2.  If you are meeting your couple’s parents, don’t worry! Relax! With these options you will not make a mistake:

Zoe Hart meeting the parents look

3. If you don’t have free time because you have to work this weekend (Come on! Cheer up!) or you have a corporate event, with these ideas you can make a very good impression and still being in fashion and looking professional:

Zoe Hart corporate event look

4. If you have just planned to catch up all the new trends and going shopping (A girl has to do what girl has to do) ;):

Zoe Hart shopping day look

5. If you have bought tickets for a movie night with friends, you will prefer wearing simple outfits but don’t forget your high heels, you Carries 😉

Zoe Hart movie night look

6. If you are going out with your best girls… no boys allowed!! It’s time to party and dance until your feet hurt.

Zoe Hart girls night out look

7. If you have to attend a very fancy event like a gala or a wedding with these outfits you will look stunning!

Zoe Hart gala night look

8. If you don’t have any important plans you just want to relax, have dinner, visit some markets, take a stroll through the city center and go to a cafeteria but without stop looking stylish:

Zoe Hart relax weekend look

9. If you are going to have brunch with friends or family:

Zoe Hart brunch look

10. If you have a very romantic weekend with your boyfriend planned, like your anniversary, and you want to surprise him looking very sexy he cannot stop staring at you 😉 or you finally got a date with this special guy…

Zoe Hart date night:anniversary:romantic dinner look

Even when the weather won’t be in our favour, we can still look glamorous 😉

Zoe Hart Bad weather look

Hope this help you!!

Have a lovely and fun weekend!

2 Broke girls – 2 styles

2 broke girls

If you have ever watched 2 Broke Girls, the TV show, you will agree with me that there are two types of girls  styles in the two main roles.

Max and Caroline

Caroline, the blond girl, is the typical rich, skinny girl  who has had everything she wanted. She always wears clear colors, no deep neckline and never leaves home without her big pearl necklace.

Max, in the other hand, is a lot more natural, a girl from the street. She is a curvy girl with a big personality, which she is not afraid of insinuating, and it is more likely to see her in dark colors outfits with very little pieces of jewelry or none.

Max & Caroline

I think the scriptwriters play with the idea of angel/demon so Caroline is the angel and Max the demon, but a demon and an angel that are friends and complement each other perfectly. Another theory behind these characters is that they represent the ying and the yang. Caroline would be the yang -the white- as the educated and polite girl who also has a thug side -the bad in the good-. And Max, the ying, the thug girl but with a very kind and caring inside -the good in the bad-.

2 broke girls friends

One way or another, they manage to move me being such good friends in every episode…

A TV show very recommendable where you can laugh and get emotional at the same time!